Jun 23, 2016

Spring Integration and ActiveMQ JMS message producer and consumer

Following what we want to achieve.

Following is configuration. Note that we need to set reply channel to nullChannel if we do not want to process reply coming from JMS queue after processing. If not set it will throw and Exception. So keeping that in mind, following will be the configuration.

We changed our configuration class little bit to print different messages
  1. Just before sending to activeMQ we append timestamp
  2. Once received on Queue we simply print it.

So following will be the util class.

Following is new interface just to use it for entry gateway.

Following is screen when we run it from Eclipse
2016-06-23 09:32:39 INFO  UtilBean:22 - Simple message This is test message will add TS 23-Jun-2016 09:32:39:499
2016-06-23 09:32:39 INFO  UtilBean:18 - Simple message This is test message @ 23-Jun-2016 09:32:39:502 will convert to uppercase