Aug 15, 2015

Spring Data JPA repository method examples

Once you have created a core project as shown in last blog. Now in this tutorial we will check various methods for various SELECT queries. So we will check IN, GREATER THAN, LESS THAN etc in this blog. Following is the JUnit Test class
Following is the repository
Service interface
Service implementation

Following log is for reference.

2015/08/15T23:38:49,203 DEBUG [com.techcielo.sphr.core.test.CountryServiceTest] [testFindByColumn] - Finding Records for GNP > 50000
Hibernate: select countrybea0_.code as code1_0_, countrybea0_.gnp as gnp2_0_, as name3_0_ from Country countrybea0_ where countrybea0_.gnp>?
2015/08/15T23:38:49,382 DEBUG [com.techcielo.sphr.core.test.CountryServiceTest] [testFindByPartialCode] - Finding Records for Code LIKE AR)
Hibernate: select countrybea0_.code as code1_0_, countrybea0_.gnp as gnp2_0_, as name3_0_ from Country countrybea0_ where countrybea0_.code like ?
2015/08/15T23:38:49,393 DEBUG [com.techcielo.sphr.core.test.CountryServiceTest] [testFindSingle] - Finding Single Record by Code = IND
Hibernate: select countrybea0_.code as code1_0_, countrybea0_.gnp as gnp2_0_, as name3_0_ from Country countrybea0_ where countrybea0_.code=?
2015/08/15T23:38:49,402 DEBUG [com.techcielo.sphr.core.test.CountryServiceTest] [testFindByCodeList] - Finding Records for Code in (IND,USA)
Hibernate: select countrybea0_.code as code1_0_, countrybea0_.gnp as gnp2_0_, as name3_0_ from Country countrybea0_ where countrybea0_.code in (? , ?)
2015/08/15T23:38:49,415 DEBUG [com.techcielo.sphr.core.test.CountryServiceTest] [testFindByCodeAndName] - Finding Records for Code=IND and CountryName=India)
Hibernate: select countrybea0_.code as code1_0_, countrybea0_.gnp as gnp2_0_, as name3_0_ from Country countrybea0_ where countrybea0_.code=? and

For exhaustive list please refer spring JPA reference document